Children and Youth

PuccC is committed to the spiritual nurture and emotional health of our kids.​

We provide a variety of programs so that no matter where you are on life's journey: You Belong Here

Child Care: ages 0 to 3

Sunday School: grades pre-K to 5

Youth Group: grades 6 to 12

There are service opportunities and intergenerational activities that bring members of all ages together. Check out our Upcoming Events to find out more.


no matter what

All children are created by God and God loves all of us, no matter what. At PUCC, we have wonderful volunteers and staff whose gifts for working with children and youth are tremendous. While we want them to understand the basics of the Christian faith (and hope they learn about other faiths, too), our main goal is to give them a spiritual home where they belong, are loved exactly for who they are, and know they are safe and cherished.